I came across The Naturalista's recipe in an article on The Coveteur today and wanted to repost. I decided to visit Naturalista's website for some research first, there I discovered a beautiful blog rich with content and inspiration which held so many truths—some I've already known, other's I've just discovered. I felt inspired to write a webitorial on her and a recent topic I've been learning about: health.
Meet: Xochi Belfour. A London-based wellness and skincare professional who writes about wellness and nutrition for some of London's acclaimed publications including the Evening Standard and Daily Candy London, while also maintaining a naturalist food truck business Rainbo with her partner. The retired Model decided to re-direct her life path toward nutrition and natural living when, like so many of us, her body wasn't running properly and she began suffering after exhaustively starting Rainbo in 2012. I'm sure like myself her mind couldn't ignore all the scientific facts about health and our planet which seem to be as present as ever now.
“I write to inspire individuals to return to their power, make new intentions and create a more aware and connected life. Wellness and mindfulness are within everybody’s reach and there is a world of inspiration out there for us to tap into collectively. - Xochi Belfour”
I read page after page of Belfour's website in awe as I have recently been tapping into the same feelings and facts. A good friend of mine is a Yoga instructor and she also turned her life around to focus on a path of wellbeing so I feel like it's a topic I am exposed to a lot recently (her site Sandi Sisters is also rich in inspiring and helpful information). A few months ago, I watched an interview with Nicole Bengiveno the author of a New York Times article which delved into NYC Nail Salons & Manicurists. and their exposure to chemicals in the workplace. Bengiveno said something in the interview which has remained with me since:
“To date, the E.U. has banned 1,100 chemicals from being used in the cosmetic industry; the Food and Drug Administration in America has banned only ten.”
There is definitely no denying that the United States, and the world at large, is suffering due to what we put in and on our bodies as disease, cancer, and stress are at an all time high. Returning to a natural life might seem hard and inconvenient for many of us living in this fast-paced world, but I am beginning to understand it is ultimately the answer. It is really the only way to maintain the health of our bodies and planet. So with this recipe I will be kicking off this DIY section of my website where I hope I can connect people with sources who can help us achieve wellness. I encourage anyone to share their resources and thoughts on this as well.
Now, for The Naturalista's recipe:
"This neat and action-packed little scrub is the best exfoliator I have ever used. When I first made it and marvelled at its greatness I wondered if it was just me; but then [my husband] Ben tried it (eager, up for anything and patient as a mule) and he agreed. So now we leap out of bed and scoop the pot out in turns.
Its merits go beyond its active ingredients, but I will start with them. Oats are well known for their soothing properties and used here alongside gently exfoliating almond and tea tree, they help with both healing and rejuvenation. They provide us with no less than 18 amino acids (the building blocks of protein in our bodies), helping heal and repair damaged or stressed out skin—and living in London you don't need to do much to need a little help. They are hypoallergenic and great for anyone with sensitive skin. These skin food recipes aren't about harsh ingredients or crazy concentrated irritants—that's what we are running away from, that's the processed stuff to avoid. Oats are also an effective humectant, allowing the skin to retain moisture and keep from getting dry and—most notoriously and specifically—contain a unique phenolic compound called avenanthramides which helps with topical anti-inflammatory healing.
Get more recipes and well amazingness from The Naturalista and from Xochi's Instagram feed. See the article which inspired this post on Coveteur.